"The kind of food our minds devour will determine the kind of person we become." - John Stott, Your Mind Matters

Monday, December 28, 2009

Inspiration Strikes

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a little while now, primarily to encourage myself to do some regular writing. Although I'm sure my personal life would fascinate at least one person out here in cyberspace, I've decided on something that I hope will be a bit more rewarding, both to myself and any other readers who may pass through.

After rejecting many unimpressive and some downright embarrassing ideas for blog topics, inspiration struck, right in the midst of a good sermon - a common situation in which inspiration occurs, floating into my mind like a message in a bottle from a distant shore.

I will commit myself to a year of spiritual reading, and call it a feast. I will dine on the thoughts of great thinkers, past and present, and find nourishment for my own soul. With God's help, perhaps others will be fed also.

52 weeks, 20 books, that's the plan. Though I have many ideas of potential books/authors for this project, I welcome suggestions. I'll try to finalize a list in the next few weeks.

Stay tuned!



  1. Great project! I look forward to following your progress and getting some ideas for books to read.

  2. Thanks, Micheal! I'm sure you've got some good books to recommend, too? Send them my way! :-)


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