"The kind of food our minds devour will determine the kind of person we become." - John Stott, Your Mind Matters

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lent is a Miserable Way to Live!

Here's another Lenten reflection to chew upon. Mark Galli, senior editor of Christianity Today, wrote an article entitled "Giving Up Self-Discipline for Lent" at Christianity Today Online in which he challenges the idea of Lent as a Self-Improvement Plan.

Here are a few snippets:
So Lent for me has generally done just the opposite of what it's supposed to do. It's made me more aware of my sinfulness, selfishness, and lack of faith. It's made me a worse Christian in some ways...And this may suggest the real point of Lent.
To me, participating in a Lenten discipline is my chance to do a little play acting. What would it be like to live as if the law were in fact sufficient? How about for 40 days I pretend that I really can improve myself in the sight of God? Let's see how that works for me.
What I find Lent after Lent after Lent is that Lent is a miserable way to live! This is one reason we're so glad when Lent is over! If Lent were such a great idea, if it really did make us better Christians, you'd think we'd want to turn Lent into a lifestyle. But no, we don't want to do that precisely because Lent is an onerous form of existence. It's the life of duty. Life under law. Life as a death march...
It's a good reminder that Lent is not about improving oneself by pious acts of denial. It is about making room in our lives for God - to show us our need, his love, his grace, his gift of salvation. It is about remembering that we need God - and he shows up to meet us there.

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